AI has gradually changed the way things work. By leveraging AI, agencies have started to analyze large amounts of data in a shorter time. When it comes to SEO, we can say that AI has changed the face of SEO for the better. It has transformed SEO by making it more user-centric by improving search accuracy, optimizing content and focusing on user intent. In this blog, b  let us learn how to use AI for SEO and which are the top free AI tools for SEO.

Do you also get amazed when you start to get posts or searches on your social media, which are based on your past behaviors and locations? You search for a beauty product, and you get hundreds of recommendations of beauty products. These top AI Tools for SEO, that is the magic of AI in SEO. that can help your business reach its goals. So, let’s get started!

Benefits of AI in SEO

In recent times, AI has emerged as a dominating factor in reshaping various industries, including SEO. As per research by SEMrush, more than 60% of online businesses generate better SEO results because of AI. So, let us have a look at the potential benefits of AI in SEO:

Enhanced Keyword Research

One of the fundamental aspects of SEO is keyword research. By analyzing large-scale data faster and uncovering hidden trends, AI helps you identify the most relevant keywords. The AI tools analyze the user intent and search volumes much better than traditional methods to provide you with targeted and high-value keywords.

Content Optimization

AI-powered SEO tools help significantly improve the quality of content in terms of its grammar, readability, and tone. These tools ensure that the content is engaging, informative, and SEO-friendly, working well for both users and search engines.

Personalized User Experiences

AI has the power to increase engagement by enhancing user experiences. It tracks the behaviors and patterns of users and tailors personalized content to meet their interests and preferences. AI can understand what users are looking for and how to tailor their needs and improve conversions. Thus, by leveraging AI Tools for SEO, you can boost conversion rates by enhancing user experiences.

Competitor Analysis

With AI tools, you can watch out for what your competitors are doing. You can analyze their top-performing keywords, backlinks and content. This helps you identify your competitor’s strengths, weakness and thereby identify the gaps in your SEO strategy.

Top Free AI Tools for SEO

Free AI tools for SEO improve overall efficiency and effectiveness. By enhancing keyword research, optimizing content, personalizing user experiences and providing insights on competitors, it helps revamp the SEO game. So, let us now explore some of the top free AI tools for SEO and how to use them.

1. ChatGPT

ChatGPT has taken the world by storm since its inception in the digital world. It became one of the widely used tools that received more than 10 million queries per day as per 2023 reports. Though it is not a good option for long-form content but is helpful for keywords research, generating meta descriptions and ideations.

2. Google Trends

Google trends is a free tool that you can use for SEO that provides you with data and graphs of specific searches in Google and Youtube. You can get insights on any upcoming keywords that can be profitable in the future. Google trends provide you with clues as to what can be popular in the market so that you can strategise your SEO efforts.

3. Perplexity AI

Perplexity is a free AI-powered answer engine that serves various benefits for SEO. It is a tool that provides real-time, accurate and trusted answers to any query. It improves content relevance, enhances user engagement and does better keyword optimization. Additionally, it is a great tool for research as it converts uploaded PDF files to a summary version to provide key insights.

4. SEMrush Keyword Research

SEMrush Keyword Research offers several benefits in SEO like keyword suggestions, comprehensive keyword data, competitive analysis, SERP features and content marketing insights. In fact, SEMrush’s keyword database is the biggest in the market as it contains over 25.5 billion keywords which makes it a great tool for SEO.

5. Ahrefs

The experts at Forbes Advisor ranks Ahrefs as the overall best SEO tools for small businesses. It covers almost everything you need to level up your SEO game. Ahrefs is a complete suite of SEO tools that help businesses improve their search ranking and online visibility organically. It offers key features like site explorer, site audit, rank tracker, keyword explorer and content explorer.


In this blog on free AI tools for SEO, we tried to pay attention to the benefits of using Free AI tools for SEO. From keyword research to content optimization, these tools can serve you with profitable benefits. So, if you want to achieve optimal results and streamline your SEO strategy, try these free AI tools now! If need any help rech our SEO Experts.