The TikTok app was already a sensation, but did you know it introduced another e-commerce feature by the name ‘TikTok shop’? It was launched in the US on September 12, 2023, and then in the rest of the world. And, right after its launch in the country, it generated about 363 million dollars in consumer spending. Such stats show the popularity of the TikTok store for people who want to creatively position their products in entertaining content. With such incredible growth and opportunity, now is the perfect time to get started and Set Up TikTok Shop to boost your business!

In this blog we will guide you through the TikTok shop set up and how you can optimize it for more sales in your business. Continue reading! 

What is the TikTok Shop or TikTok Store? 

TikTok is already a growing app used by about millions of users in the US. Adding a shopping feature like TikTok Shop to the app brings in immense opportunities for social commerce. TikTok shop or TikTok store allow users to sell or pitch their products online. These platforms are within TikTok that have features like in-feed videos, live videos, built in promotion tools etc.

The TikTok store is like a shopping platform where TikTok’s video content merges with an e-commerce setup enabling users to browse for products. It allows users to start as a creator, seller or even as a partner. The store is currently active and available mainly in the US, Vietnam and some parts of Asia. If only you belong to these specific regions, you become eligible to start the app.

Our digital marketing services can help you leverage TikTok Shop’s unique features to boost your brand visibility, drive traffic, and increase sales effectively.

Why Sell on TikTok Shop? – The Top Benefits  

Now, after knowing that the TikTok shop acts as a valuable business tool for sellers who are looking for commerce opportunities. So, why sell on TikTok shop and what benefits it can provide you? Let’s find out! 

One of the Most Sophisticated Social Commerce Channels 

Since its inception, TikTok has taken the world by storm and became the most sophisticated social commerce channel, with its shop version. With most of the people being active on mobiles, the shop app acts as a home base for creators. 

Enables You to Reach a Wider Audience 

TikTok has about a million active users out of which many got highly interested in shopping after the launch of its shop variant. Moreover, you can tap into a wider and diverse audience and sell the right products to the right audience.  

Better Customer Tracking 

The TikTok store has the Shop Seller Centre feature wherein you can track data analytics and build a highly targeted marketing campaign. You can track customer behaviors, ad performances, age of viewers etc. and get insights about your potential customers. 

Quick and Easy Shopping Experiences 

The TikTok store comes with seamless integrations where the viewers can make purchases directly on the platform. For instance, if a viewer likes your content and product in the video, they can just tap the shop button on the screen to buy it.  

How to Set Up Your TikTok Store? 

If you are someone interested in the world of social commerce and want to leverage the TikTok app for it, then the first thing to know is how to set up your TikTok store. If you need expert guidance on optimizing your TikTok store setup, our SEO consultants can help enhance your visibility and drive more traffic to your products.

Follow these steps to set up your TikTok store: 

  • Set Up Your TikTok Shop Account by visiting the TikTok Seller Centre. Now, select the region you wish to sell in.  
  • If you have a business account, you can simply sign in. But, if you do not have one, then select- ‘Sign up now’ option and fill in your basic details. TikTok generally takes 24 hours to verify your details. 
  • After your business account is set up, you can access the dashboard. Now, ‘Add your first product’ and click on -’Get Started’. 
  • Now, you can start adding your products manually or import them automatically. 
  • Lastly, do not forget to link your TikTok shop with your TikTok account. You can find this option on the main dashboard by the name- ‘Connect your shop to a TikTok account’. 

5 Ways to Optimize Your TikTok for More Sales 

After the TikTok shop setup, your next aim is to find out the ways to optimize your TikTok for more sales. Well, we have listed 5 ways on how you can do so: 

1. Focus on Creating Engaging, Entertaining and Authentic Content 

Your focus should be in creating video content that is engaging, entertaining and authentic enough to please your audience in making a purchase. You can easily make your content appealing by using the creative tools of TikTok. 

2. Follow the Latest Trends and Hashtag Challenges  

Stay up to date with the latest trends and incorporate hashtags in your video content to maximize its reach. The chances of people noticing your videos is when you follow a trend and showcase it. 

3. Influencer Business Partnerships 

There are many influencers with whom you can collaborate to increase your sales. They have an engaged following and people trust them. But remember to connect with the right influencers as they are the ones to persuade your audience. 

4. Run Tik Tok Ads 

Leverage the ad formats by TikTok as these play a major role in driving user attention. There are various ad formats such as in-feed ads, spark ads and video ads.  

5. Optimize Your TikTok Profile 

Do not forget to regularly optimize and update your TikTok profile. You can add links that redirect to your website or social media, and you never know you will get more customers just through your TikTok bio. 

Let’s Wrap Up! 

If you are someone looking to promote your business online, TikTok shop can be a great platform to start with. With its wider audience base and popularity, it can be the best social commerce option that will also give you good revenue in the long term! 

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level with TikTok Shop, contact us today and let’s start growing your brand together!